எம்.சதீஷ் குமார், நிறுவனர், ஒருவர் செல்வந்தர் ஆவது ஒன்றும் பெரிய கஷ்டம் இல்லை. முக்கியமாக 5 வழிமுறைகளை...
எம்.சதீஷ் குமார், நிறுவனர்,
ரூ.1 லட்சம் முதலீடு செய்தால் மாதம் ரூ.5,000 தருவதாக ஒரு திட்டம். மாதம் ரூ.5,000 என்றால் ஆண்டுக்கு ரூ.60,000. இது 60 சதவிகித வருமானம் ஆகும். இதனை...
In the last 1 year Mid and small cap have seen a sharp correction and pull back. Does the correction in the broader market provide an opportunity to...
This book has been written by Thomas Phelps ( 1902 – 1992 ) a renowned and successful investor, Columnist, Analyst and Financial Advisor. In this...
This is one frequently asked question in all my workshops and from my investors. Investors always think that IPO’s are the best investing options when...
Starting with a disclaimer that Prediction is Dangerous – Especially about the Future, In stock market we always look forward for the future with the...
Amidst the chaotic environment in our country coupled with the economic slowdown, the Yes bank event, panic amidst coronavirus, the sentiment is...
All the clients whom i have met in the recent weeks had only one predominant question to me which was…….Is Indian Economy is slipping into...