Sathish Speaks


How the Stock Markets are up, when the Economy is down?

World and India has imposed a greatest lockdown to fight this Covid 19.  The forecast from Economists are India will shrink its GDP and will be...

It’s time to Change your Mutual Fund Divid End Strategy

Till now, tax-savvy investors have chosen the Dividend strategy on Mutual Funds more because of Tax Arbitrage.  A dividend Distribution Tax of...

Book Summary of Get Rich Carefully 

Wall Street Veteran and Author James Cramer have written this book and in this he has mentioned about the perception of Stock Investing and strategies...

6 Reason for not to get tempted with Bitcoin

The popularity of Bitcoin surges in the recent times, since the Bitcoins has brought whopping 200% 2020. It has captured the interest of the investor...

All you need to know about Global Investing 

Every equity portfolio has delivered an exemplary return, because of the current bullish trend is with the Indian equity market. And now the new...

A Checklist before investing in Thematic Mutual Funds

Value Funds and Thematic Funds are back in focus since Jan 2021.  Value, Pharma, Tech Sectoral funds has delivered more than 40% returns in last...

8 Best Electric Vehicle Stocks to Invest

Investors are always desired to catch the stocks while they are young. These stocks are called Multi-Baggers. These stock prices can grow enormously...

6 Golden Rules for Borrowing

We are not living in an ideal world where everybody has enough money for their needs and wants. People borrow a little to fulfill their dreams and...

5 Important Money Habits to Teach Your Kid

Most of us would have started our Money Habits with a Piggy Bank or Coin Collection Box. But is this alone help your kid to learn about Saving...
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